Each of the following sponsors will pay you for each hour that you spend surfing the web. They will supply you with a "viewbar" that will display advertisements while you are busy surfing the web. In return for having the viewbar there, their advertisers will pay them and they will pay you.

Sound good? It gets better!!!!

Tell your friends how to sign up and get paid for surfing, and you will receive a referral bonus for hours that they surf too!!! - MyOwnEmpire is determined to make you the next Internet Millionaire! Through their unique opportunity to earn STOCK, CASH, and POINTS, you can be on your way to BECOME A MILLIONAIRE WITHOUT PAYING A CENT while surfing the web!! Please make us your referral, enter diblag
Click here for more info or to join - will pay you to be online. You're paid on 4 levels, yourself + 3 levels of referrals. level1=$.40/hr - level2=$.10/hr - level3=$.15/hr - level4=$.20/hr Maximum of 40 hours per person per month. The software is available now and the company is paying it's members as you read this. The ad bar can be place anywhere and you still get the credit. Pay members when balance exeed $20. They will deduct $1.99 fee from the total for each check issued. No limit on amount you can earn or number of referrals you make.
Click here for more info or to join - will pay you to be online. You will be paid a percentage of advertising revenue received. You're paid on 5 levels, yourself + 4 levels of referrals. level1=40% - level2=10% - level3=5% - level4=2% - level5=1% The software is not available yet. Pay members quarterlly when balance exceed $20. No limit on amount of time you spent online or amount you can earn.. Very promising program! I like the percentage payout instead of fix $ amount.
Click here for more info or to join - This is a very easy program to make money. They will pay you to set your start page to their web site. What does that mean? It mean you'll get paid every time you open your browser. You are paid for your visits and for when your referrals' visits. Your visits=$.50 - level1=$.20 level2=$.10 level3=$.10 Maximum of 10 visits per person per day. No limits on the amount you can earn or number of referrals you make. Tracker is available and members are earning cash now.
Click here for more info or to join I have only one thing to say about this program...IT WORKS Simple free program, easy sign-up, and YOU WILL MAKE MONEY!
Click here for more info or to join - will pay you to be online with pIggy. You will be paid up to $1 per hour of surfing. You're paid on 6 levels, yourself + 5 levels of referrals. level1=10% - level2 to level6=5% The software is available soon. Limit of $50 per month for you personally being online. No limit on amount you can earn from your referrals. Members can login and request to be paid, but only if the balance is $50 or more. No limits on the total amount you can earn or number of referrals you make. I think this program will be #1 very soon. Why? The ad window is built right into the browser without cluttering up the screen. KuDos to you guys at ValuePay
Click here for more info or to join


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Often sponsors do not restrict possibility of earnings of money only to show . For an example I shall look -Spedia , you can earn money in several ways: .

1. By loading the small program, which will display in the bottom of the screen, you will take money during connection to (on the average 60 cents at one o'clock, amount of clocks - not restrictedly!). Money to your bill goes, only when "shines" green to the left of plain . As soon as has lit up red (you more than 2-3 minutes are not active or have unclosed other window) - bill stops .

2. You will take money for each of cliques on on the pop-up window, which will arise, for example, at visiting the first page of your site, if you will utillize the short address of sort http: // yours

3. You can make all links on your site of sort http: // /? Http: // instead of reference http: // and to take money for pressing such links .

4. You will gain 5 - 10 cents for reading of advertising mail, sent to you. You receive 25 % from the income of the people, subscribing from you -Spedia.

subscribing Spedia! Spedia

Let's register in the companies, paying obtaining by you of the advertising letters ! - will pay you to read email. If you don't have much time to surf the web, this is the program for you. You will be paid on 4 levels, you and your referrals. You'll be paid $.03 for each email you received and $.01 for each email your referrals received. You don't have to be online to get paid, all you need is an email account. There's no limit on the number of email you can receive or the amount of money you can earn or number of referrals you make. Paying members now. Highly recommended - Large advertisers are using this community often.
Click here for more info or to join

Want to earn "superfluous" 200 - 500 BUCKS per one month not quitting from houses and almost nothing making? Only for the fact that you will read email? Delirium? By no means! Anything similar in the Internet yet was not! At the end of August - by the begining of September some new programs paying to you on the average till 5-10 of cents for reading of the advertising letters have appeared. How it works? Let's consider on an example of the Affiliatetracking (net-4-biz) company
     After registration you start to gain e-mail with sentences to visit a site of the sponsor. Letters are contained the link to express page of tracking (STP), with which help you hit on page of the sponsor, and gain $ 0.05. Also gain 3 cents for each letter, which will be received by(with) the person, subscribing from you! You can gain 20 letters per day and to earn on it on buck. Can gain 100 letters and to earn 10 bucks per day. Well and about that, how much you will earn, gaining 200 - 300 letters per day I even and to speak I shall not be :) Consider! Also connect more and more friends! To register in Affiliatetracking (net-4-biz)

    Moneyformail 5 % of the income of the people, subscribing from you is paid from 20 cents up to 2.5 bucks for the letter +. After filling the form of registration, you receive the letter with the request to confirm registration, by pressing on the link in the letter. Without this pressing the registration is invalid.

    Sendmoreinfo pay 5 cents for each letter + 2 cents for obtaining of the letters subscribing from you. In more detail and translation of the registration form here

    Totale-mail Totale-mail you gain up to $ 0.50 for the letter. 4 levels subscribing from you till 5 % of their income each are paid. At registration select Free Member. The more detailed description of the program and translation of the form of registration here.
I remind! In all programs paying obtaining of the letters, it is necessary at obtaining the letter under the link indicated in the letter! Differently letter is not set off also money for this letter do not calculate! - I advise for obtaining the paid letters to register a new free mail box. You never will confuse the "money" letters with by mail, and do not skip the important letter! You can receive new e-mail, by pressing on disposed hardly is lower (Place marked " Required " in the registration form, are mandatory for filling. After registration you become the participant of draw of the portable computer!)